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The Magic 9-Letter Word

           The Magic 9-Letter Word

Did you know that studies show that this one thing can make you 25% happier? Itboosts your immunity to anger, disappointment, and frustration.

It’s even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body. It can certainly heal relationships, especially with your beautiful and miraculous body.

That one thing is GRATITUDE, and amazing things happen when you integrate it into your meditation practice.

Here’s a fun exercise to try:

1. As you sit down to meditate, breathe in deeply and imagine your heart filling up with glowing, green light ~ aka positive energy. Allow this energy to pulse and radiate to light you from within. As you deepen into the positive energy in the center of your chest, begin to give thanks for your life. Give thanks for anything that pops into your head.  No filter, just give thanks for it and show it appreciation. 

2. Think about five things to be grateful for on this day. See these events as pictures. It may be the way your dog greets you or that nice person that let you have the parking space in the crowded lot. It could even be seeing the birds fly to their nests as darkness comes. Just let the images flow in and notice the feelings they give. If an unwanted image pops in, let it pass like a random car on the road. If it is important, you can think on it later.

3. Now, see the people behind the images you are grateful for and express thanks to each of them.

4. Remind yourself that whatever you focus on expands. When you focus on gratitude and positivity, you will get more of that in return.

What you appreciate, appreciates. 

Be mindful that you will attract more abundance, love, and health by being grateful for your current state in these areas. Your body, your health, and your relationships can only be improved by honoring where they are in this moment.  

I you would like to receive healthy news in your inbox each week just click this link  http://bit.ly/LNhealthynews to receive my weekly newsletter. I promise to protect your email! I only send out 1 email a week on Sundays unless there is something extra you signed up for. 

Healthy Blessings,


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Superfood Green juice & Smoothie for Fall

You may think about spring or summer when you think of juice and smoothies, but they definitely have a place in fall! Actually, I drink smoothies for breakfast all year. The fall season has a lot of amazing superfoods that go perfectly in a green smoothie, or any type of healthy juice or smoothie with fruits andveggies. AND the wonderful thing about adding greens to your smoothie is you can’t taste it BUT you get all the nutrients!

Pumpkin Green Smoothie

This is an interesting green smoothie because it is great in the fall with lots of seasonal superfoods, but it is also similar to a classic green smoothie. It truly is a perfect combination of both. This smoothie gets its green from the spinach, which is also going to increase the nutrients of it immensely. Then you have some fall flavors with pumpkin puree, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. You can also add more creaminess to it with unsweetened almond milk, coconutmilk, some plain Greek yogurt or add some of your favorite protein powder. I use Isagenix and they have a pumpkin spice that is SO GOOD!!!! You can add an apple and it not only gives you more fall superfoods in your smoothie, it is also going to sweeten it up a bit.

Spinach Green Smoothie

This smoothie is more of a classic recipe for a green smoothie, though there is alot of room for customizing it according to your preferences. Spinach is used as the main greens, which are always a good superfood. However, if you want greens specifically in-season during the fall, kale is another great option. Add to that some ground flax seed, an apple or other sweet fruits that are in season during this time of year, and a frozen banana. If you use a frozen banana, it can usually replace the ice. You may also need to add a little water.

Beet Juice or Smoothies

Beets are a fall superfood that is not often talked about, mostly because people hear beets and run for the hills! HAHAHAHAHA But they are a lot tastier than you might realize, and should definitely be considered when putting together a green smoothie or juice. While the beets will turn it a dark purple color instead of green, the healthy ingredients are the same. The basis of a beet-juice or smoothie is of course the beets, usually one is enough for a single serving. You can then choose other fruits and veggies to add. For a juice with spice try ginger, carrots, and then some apples for sweetness. Or you can use greens for a green smoothie, your favorite type of milk, and a pear to add in the sweetness.

In all honesty, I know beets are good for you but I am not a fan! I try to add to certain things here and there because they are good for you BUT I don’t like the taste. I added this section here because you need to try them for yourself and make your own opinion!

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Healthy blessings,



Healthy Food Swaps Using Fall Superfoods

If you want to eat a little healthier this fall, it doesn’t require completely eliminating your faves. You can just make a few substitutions with the foods you already enjoy, and foods that are tasty and nutritious. Here are some healthy food swaps that use some of my favorite fall superfoods. Try taking something healthier to your family holiday meal 🙂

Use Pumpkin in Cake Mixes

Oneof the easiest healthy food swaps you can do with your fall superfoods is to add pumpkin puree in your cake mix. This turns your cake or cupcakes into just 2 ingredients, including the cake mix of your choice and pumpkin puree. The pumpkin replaces all other ingredients you would have mixed in with the cake mix! This is often done with a spiced cake mix that goes well with pumpkin, but don’t be afraid to experiment with vanilla and chocolate cake mixes as well. I like to make mine homemade with gluten free flour blends OR you can make it simple and use a gluten free cake mix 🙂

Sweet Potatoes Instead of White Potatoes

YUM!!!! I love sweet potatoes!

Many people enjoy potatoes, especially in the fall when you want more savory dishes,but they tend to be high in carbs and fat, and not very nutritious. Instead of having traditional white potatoes in your dishes, try sweet potatoes. These area superfood, so they are filled with nutrients, and are amazing to enjoy during the fall when they are in season. You can have stuffed sweet potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, or even sweet potato soup!

Use Cauliflower for Low-Carb Options

If you are on a low-carb diet, then you should become familiar with cauliflower. there are only 5 carbs in a cup of cauliflower. It also has a long harvest season, available between September and June. There is vitamin C in cauliflower, plus it can help lower your cholesterol. It is great for substituting potatoes or rice in your low-carb meals. It is perfect as a substitute for many of the carb-rich foods you can no longer have. You can use it to make mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, make lots of types of rice with it, pizza crust AND you can make cauliflower steaks. Be creative and find different ways to substitute your higher-carb ingredients with cauliflower. 

Quinoa Instead of Rice

Another great substitution you can make for a healthier superfood-rich meal is toreplace your rice with quinoa. Most types of rice, including white rice andbrown rice, are okay in moderation, but they lack the nutrition you need for awell-balanced meal. Quinoa is considered a superfood, so it is the perfectalternative when you want to have a rice dish. You can make a harvest quinoaside dish with squash, pumpkin, and spices, which is simple to make and very good for you with all the superfoods included.


Theseare about moderate in their carb amounts, which is why you should pay closeattention to the quantity you have. However, as far as fall vegetable superfoodsgo, parsnips can definitely be added to your rotation if you are on a low-carbdiet. The great thing about parsnips is that their flavor resembles potatoes,so you can make parsnip chips or fries and have a lower-carb version than withregular white potatoes. For a cup of sliced parsnip, it is about 17 net carbsafter the fiber content.


Asfar as greens go, most of them are going to be low-carb and are appropriate forany low-carb or Keto diet. Kale is in season during the fall and is also considereda superfood, you should try to add it to your diet whenever you can. It isn’t the lowest carb green, but there are only 6 carbs in a cup of kale, so it’s not bad when putting together a salad or adding a cup to your morning smoothie.


If you are looking for a fruit you can have in the fall that is also on the low-carb side, try cranberries. These are a very popular fruit to have as a superfood, and since it is a berry, it is going to be lower in carbs than most other fruits. For a cup of cranberries, there are 10 carbs, but you can enjoy a lower amount and reduce that quite a bit. Try ¼ cup of cranberries on your salad, adding just 2.5 carbs.

Butternut Squash

Thissquash is a little sweet and tastes great with various fall flavors and spices.It is often combined with pumpkin or fruits like apples and pears. It is a goodsource of omega-3 fatty acids, and is about 10 carbs for a cup. I love butternut squash soup!

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter where you will receive healthy info in your inbox weekly. I send out an email every Sunday and sometimes I may toss in another goodie BUT I promise not to flood you with info you don’t want, I never share your email with anyone and you can unsubscribe at any time!  subscribe here  >>> http://bit.ly/LNhealthynews

Have a blessed week!

Healthy Blessings,


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Take Care of Your Health

As the holiday season approaches, you might be thinking about those sugary treats and more time spent indoors with less outdoor physical activity. I know there are some fun indoor activities BUT it is not good to isolate yourself or load up on all the unhealthy holiday treats. It is all about enjoying the season, while also maintaining your physical and emotional health. 

I am going to share some tips to help you enjoy the season with true peace, love & joy!

Sunflower pic

Use Seasonal Vegetables

A good way to start taking care of your health in the fall/holiday season is to switch to vegetables that are currently in season. This is when you can enjoy fall produce like pumpkin, butternut squash, apples, carrots, tomatoes, and many others. Seasonal produce is going to be less expensive, so it is great for your budget, plus it encourages you to try new recipes when you switch it up a little. You will also have the opportunity to sneak in more superfoods into your diet.

Bake Smartly

If you want to bake for the fall season and holidays in general, it might seem like it won’t help you be healthier, but that’s not true at all. You can still make smarter choices in the kitchen when baking pies, cookies, and brownies for the fall season, without going overboard. Make simple changes, such as using healthier substitutes for some of your classic ingredients, like Greek yogurt or bananas, adding more baked goods with healthier ingredients like pumpkin and fruit, and always paying close attention to portion sizes. I substitute my flours out to include gluten free options too!

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is a wonderful form of self-care and important for your physical health. It is good for your heart, boosts your energy levels, helps you sleep better, relives stress…and  you are doing something really great for yourself. Try physical activities that allow you to practice self-care at the same time, such as a relaxing yoga or Pilates practice in the morning, a nice evening walk with your dog/spouse/kids, or heading to a local lake or beach to take in the sights while you walk.

Avoid the Common Cold

Don’t forget about illnesses that tend to creep up in the fall, including the common cold! To prevent the cold, wash your hands regularly throughout the day, stay away from others who have the sniffles, and always dress appropriately when outside on cooler days. Sugar kills the immune system SO take it easy on the sweets! Take your vitamin C, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and pay attention to your body – these are all going to work great at reducing your risk for catching a cold.

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 I use this in place of all-purpose flour in my recipes 🙂 


1 bag (24 oz or 4¼ cups) brown rice flour

1 bag (24 oz or 4¼ cups) white rice four

1 bag (24 oz or 4¼ cups) sweet rice flour

1 bag (20 oz or 4½ cups) tapioca flour (aka tapioca starch)

2½ Tbsp (0.8 oz) xanthan gum


Pour all of the ingredients into an extra-large bowl and mix until well incorporated—this will take about 3-5 minutes with a whisk. Do not skimp on the mixing. Otherwise, the ingredients will not be blended appropriately and will not achieve the same results. Store flour in an airtight container.


Healthy blessings,


Living Nurtured